You have to unplug at times to really connect to your people.

People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, contribute and be recognized. They want to be supported and have a genuine interest taken in their wellbeing and success not only professionally but personally.
Employees are not attracted, engaged or retained by salaries and benefits or rewards and online programs for assistance.
People are attracted to and are loyal, high performers in organizations that take a genuine interest in the support and development of their people. Organizations who are Corporate Communities that have a noticeable difference. A difference in how they operate and the level of importance and caring they place on the people who are the drivers of the companies success.
Most EAP and HR programs out there today are referral systems that are impersonal, clinical and non-connective. Others are based almost solely on technological platforms, relying on the very employees they are trying to support and develop to source their own solutions and to support and develop themselves.
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